There was a reunion for the people of the school batch of 2004 this day. I was not able to go there. But, this definitely gave me a chance to review my school life. Yes, it did. I used to think that my school life was very good, being positive. But now, I realize.... I realize that everything was not. There were certain lows in it too. The sole reason for these losses might not be me alone. Most of the time, it is the people around me that caused the trouble. We always felt that most teachers were partial towards girls/ some others. 'Maybe I was also the favorite of some teachers?'. But, I never ever made use of this to cause trouble to others.
I might be illogical when I prolonged my rivalry with my best friend in 6th grade. But, things changed quickly. We were back on terms again and rocked the next four years of our schooling lives and we continue to do so, even now. Don't know how, but life also helped me to reach some goals, without, me working hard to attain them. One such thing was to fulfill my father's dream to see me as the leader(monitor) of our class. It is always happy to see one's parents happy and proud. My parents know what I am, they supported me, more necessarily, they believed me. There was a situation, when I was condemned for causing trouble in the class. The kind of obligations that were put on me were very untrue. I used to participate in mischief but, it was never directed to cause trouble to someone in the class. People know that I am calm and never bothered any girls. But still, due to a narrow minded Principal, we were punished. That punishment was not something physical, it was a kind of mental punishment. We(a group of 7 boys) were isolated from the rest of the class during that period. I now feel that it was something that should not be affecting the mind of a 14 year old. I am deeply in debt to my dad who believed me and backed me up. He did not even scold me. He asked what has happened and offered his condolences towards me. DAD, thank you very much, otherwise I would definitely have been a lot different(in a bad sense). I don't know why, but we have received help from the most unlikely person. It was our telugu sir who tried hard to bring us out of the situation, that really changed my respect towards him. Only me used to have a good impression on the principal in school, from the time he joined. I could say with certainty that he totally ruined it, all by himself.
This situation made me strong in the mind, otherwise, I would have been a meek person even now. I showed me how to face difficulties and overcome embarrassment. There was a time when we made one of our teachers cry. On hearing that, you might think that it was a mean thing to do. But, there was a reason. I always think a lot before doing certain things. That teacher's actions were disliked by every one and that resulted in the protest. I still believe that the thing we did was absolutely right. This time, when the principal scolded us, I didn't cry .... it was more of a :D.
There was another incident in which someone has just crossed of the answers in my unit test book. I was never really determined to get the first rank in the class, but there were people who do not want me to get it and make sure that this is done. Whosoever did it, please accept a token of appreciation from me.
My gift: ..|..
The teacher that corrected my notebook also was stupid, the least to say. She said to me( while distributing them), "What Bharat, you have written all answers coreect but, why did you strike them off?". I initially thought that she was joking, and smiled and took my book. I expeted a 30/30. But, when i looked into the book, I knew that she was serious. Tears rolled down my eyes, not knowing what to do. I was in 6th that time. She asked if I suspected any one, some of my friends suggested a name, but outta my fuc*ing good nature, I said that I doubted none. No investigation was carried out at that time, i had to write those anwers again on the spot, full marks were not given, everything was lost. My faith in a good education system has just dissapeared.
On the brighter side, I have made some good friends in school. I had participated in all the sports activities(team). I had helped my house clich many tropies, even the annual sports trophy, if I remember corectly. Me and my friends have helped our school team to win second place in a regional football tournament. I did well academically.
Finally, I beleive that "Failures are the stepping stones for success". My school life definetly helped me learn many things, in the easy way or sometimes in the hard way.
Adios my friends!