I have this daemon, it compels me to think that I am 'right' while taking decision or refereeing a highly 'un'important cricket game. Firstly, a referee cannot be questioned while the game is still in progress, in international games. If you want international quality in judgment, learn the international code of conduct on a cricket pitch. Secondly, all umpires are humans. And, humans are known to make a lot of mistakes.Putting aside my demonic urge of being RIGHTFUL, lets see some other kinds of demons.

Some people stick to the code, they are very disciplined and calm. Some, cannot bare the weight of defeat. Others will do 'anything' to win. The most terrifying of them all are the red necks. They definitely aren't cool. They do not think. They go with their heart. And it is this heart that exposes their true self.
Great controversies were seen in international cricket. We play gully cricket. And, let me make it clear, I play for fun...most of the time. A friend of mine(on the opposite team) suddenly bursts out with anger when I call a wide of his team-mate's bowling. He thinks that it isn't, I fell that it is a wide. We do not have ultra slow motion capture cameras or for that matter, any cameras at all. A person of the batting team generally acts as the umpire for any innings in gully cricket. He used to say that he was highly unruly/ aggressive in his childhood. If that was true, I do not think that he has reached a state of maturity yet. The anger is still resides in him.
It is in situations like this that i feel, "I do not belong here." If a person whom I know for 3 years, doesn't understand me, who does? People say that it is 'difficult' to make friends after a certain age. I am beginning to understand 'why'. The friends made at an early age are the ones that last forever.
DEXTER(TV Series) for the concept of inner daemon.
Do watch the series, it's really good.