Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Green Week

Well, there is an eWeek being hosted in college and a part of it covers Gtalk. A competition of minds to put up the best custom message in Gtalk is held. The theme for the event is 'Go Green!' Here are two of them, that I've made up:

1.When I fail to find the green circles beside your names, I realize that there is no one 'Available'(left) on my world.Trees are those green circles for mother Earth. GO GREEN! Every1.

2.The *Green* army of Ghosts has saved middle earth from the darkness of Sauron. It is now, our turn to save the world from ourselves. Go Green or Join the DEAD!

Check out this site to find out simple ways to protect your environment: Think Green
I'm Certainly doing the 10th step with this.

