I would like to share a (then scary ) funny experience of mine with dogs. This happened when i was in 8th Grade(i guess) and my brother was also with me then. We were coming out of an institute where we learned MS Office at 8'o clock in the night. It had a huge open area between the building and the gate itself. We got on my bicycle and were about to leave . Just as i started riding,don't know how,but i got one of the dumbest idea of my life.....to bark at the dog ( lol ) and provoke it.
But from out of nowhere it regrouped with 4 other dogs and chased us (just imagine the chase sequences in telugu films and enjoy). When we were about 50 yards away from the gate , a group of elderly people shooed them off.Thank god!!!Otherwise,they could have chased us home!
Moral:::Never woof! woof! at dogs....they might understand that in a bad bad way.( rofl )

Moral:::Never woof! woof! at dogs....they might understand that in a bad bad way.( rofl )
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