I personally feel that reality is not what we see but is that which we feel. We feel something is real! This is in contradiction to the statement "See it to Believe It". But, it is what I personally feel. I've started playing GTA4 a couple of weeks back, not rushing through the game though. Anyone who has played the game might have been using the cell phone feature quiet often. Rockstar Games did a great job in bringing out the game in a brilliant fashion. I'm absolutely loving it. They also have taken great care to get the maximum from sales. There are a lot of things to be checked before you set out to install your copy of GTA4. The process was a bit irritating as well.
I got an idea which would improve the satisfaction of the player and make money for R* at the same time. Instead of creating a virtual cell phone, I feel that it would be much more exciting and interesting if the players could actually use their own cell phones to receive calls/ ask for jobs. The outgoing calls from the players' cell can be used to generate money for Rockstar as well. I know that this would mean that R* should put some effort in designing an efficient call handling system/link up with telecom networks around the world. But, if done, it would have taken the world of gaming one step closer to reality.

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