I worked as the editor for ISA last year but, out of lethargy or laziness i did not contribute in making the first Newsletter that was released last semester. So, this time I tired and compiled an article. It was about the GeForce 200 series of graphic cards. Basically, I love graphics and gaming. Secondly, not many people are aware about the new hardware releases. Some people still think that the 7800 series is the best and latest graphic processor available from NVIDIA. Now, that article has been replaced by some shitty news about Windows 7 and the Google Android project. Windows7? What were they thinking? We are listening news about Windows7 from a long time now. It's not that new to be put up on the front page of a 'New'sletter.

The bottom line is, people think that gamers/ anything related to gaming are not official or formal enough to be put up on a newsletter. This mindset has been in the association for ages. I have been seeing it from my 1st year with the assoc.! The people change but their ideologies don't. I am really pissed right now! I can't help it! But, I don't mind their interference with those activities now, as i think that, some people like me have lost prominence in those matters!

peace out!
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