It makes me think. But, the answer is understandably clear. Does one need to be cold in his emotions to look cool? And do you need to publicize delicate matters to improve the total sharing in DC++? It is the time when people call out to improve the image of BITS pilani in the public. But with the following act and the response, I think otherwise. I do not know what had actually happened. They say it is a suicide attempt. But, does one have to kill himself if he fails to score high in his exams or love? All the people her are at least 18 years old. According to constitution, they are adults. They have the right to vote. Are these people really mature enough to choose a good leader? When a movie actor enters politics(which is quiet common in Andhra now), the fans blindly follow him without having any idea of his or his opponent's manifesto. I do not see the situation changing very soon. Even the educated people, the so called Bitsians, fight over the ipmsg or dc for their favorite hero or cricketer. No one likes Unity/ being together. Even though India has one International Cricket team, the 11 players , because of their background,talent,etc. divide the fans into groups. Some people do not trust their teammates. I guess the universe will not be at peace unless, the people fight between themselves.
I've written down all this after seeing the following conversation on DC. I wish people will learn to be better. After all, who wants to improve the total share in DC++ by joking on a person who experienced a near death situation, be it an accident or suicide.

[19:35:19] has there really been suicide attempt today evening ?
[19:35:20] wat hapnd ?
[19:35:23] yeah
[19:35:24] maybe
[19:35:30] or is it a rumor?
[19:35:31] there was a police van and an ambulance
[19:35:36] dunno due
[19:35:40] hey how do u kmow
[19:35:40] yeah and i heard a buzz
[19:35:41] i am trying to find out
[19:35:46] OMG
[19:35:49] suicide attempt is seriosu
[19:35:57] yeah
[19:36:06] ohh.....suicide attempt in BITS
[19:36:12] oh hell
[19:36:13] FU****
[19:36:17] wtf
[19:36:23] where?
[19:36:29] there was like a police vehicle and an ambulance
[19:36:33] what where n how...
[19:36:35] only this was left to happen in bits
[19:36:37] its sad
[19:36:38] ya
[19:36:43] srlsly
[19:36:52] i heard in vyas
[19:36:52] i heard a rumour
[19:36:52] neone know which bhawan it was in ?
[19:36:57] vyas
[19:36:58] which yr??
[19:36:59] donno if its true or wat
[19:37:01] acha??
[19:37:10] was it really a suicide attempt ?
[19:37:19] there was one two years back i remember
[19:37:33] i just wish this sem gets over
[19:37:36] ya some 1 in vyas attempted na
[19:37:43] an ambulance and a police vehicle are like too much
[19:37:47] saale mein 4th year mein attempts 2 yrs ago...:)
[19:37:47] 2-3 yrs back
[19:38:17] abey main bhi 4th mei hoon
[19:38:18] there was chut
[19:38:28] hua tha 2 years back
[19:38:28] one guy swallowed paracetamoil tablets
[19:38:34] too many
[19:38:41] ohh
[19:38:42] ohh wo to mera hi wingy tha..
[19:38:59] i know..u cant call it suicide attempt
[19:39:04] kya hua?
[19:39:09] kisne kiya?
[19:39:24] hu attempted for suicide??
[19:39:24] watever..anyone noes exactly wat hpnd today
[19:39:25] wtf
[19:39:25] ?
[19:39:37] hu attempted it?
[19:39:41] me
[19:39:42] razor pro ne idea wat hap?
[19:39:45] poison u did it?
[19:39:48] lol
[19:39:48] 11
[19:39:50] nahi
[19:39:51] 11
[19:39:55] koi b5 wala hai
[19:39:58] haan
[19:40:01] who all wants discussion from starting ?
[19:40:05] b5 ki gand mari padi hai
[19:40:05] 11
[19:40:08] srijtata must hav kissed him
[19:40:08] test pe test
[19:40:08] <1one> :-p:biggrin::-p:biggrin:
[19:40:10] razor is the lolest dude in bits]
[19:40:11] coz of me share increases by 2 tb
[19:40:21] chut
[19:40:22] 1111
[19:40:23] 11
[19:40:25] hellllllloooooooo...wt was this abt suicide?
[19:40:26] headeshot is god
[19:40:27] no attempt of suicide
[19:40:41] wow
[19:40:44] god headshot
[19:40:47] 11
[19:40:47] 11
[19:40:49] nice
[19:40:50] its a guy siddeee...he has sum prob dude to an accident
[19:40:57] dats y the ambulance
[19:40:58] GAY/
[19:40:59] chuts
[19:41:02] chut hs
[19:41:03] sayin nethin
[19:41:06] sumbsy tell da situation...
[19:41:08] huh ask him to bcome ic of cource suicide
[19:41:14] 11
[19:41:15] <1one> :-p:biggrin:
[19:41:19] are
[19:41:29] hey
[19:41:32] wats going on ?
[19:41:33] he had an accident so he has chnged his rum
[19:41:35] i will definetly make an A in the cource
[19:41:35] hu is this chut 1one
[19:41:44] n so an ambulance came to take him
[19:41:48] lol
[19:41:49] <1one> :-p:biggrin:
[19:41:57] y the police?
[19:41:57] one kaun chut hai
[19:42:03] dunno the police
[19:42:04] ambulance came to take whom ?
[19:42:06] 1
[19:42:12] they brot him be
[19:42:13] why was there police also ?
[19:42:14] teri gand
[19:42:19] chuts
[19:42:24] ambulance came to take poison
[19:42:27] +tin
[19:42:27] 11
[19:42:29] 11
[19:42:30] haan lol
[19:42:34] chutest razor
[19:42:43] he is the main cause of all the accidents
[19:42:46] abe poison , who did the ambulance come to take ?
[19:42:47] arey
[19:42:48] hahahahha
[19:42:49] m2l2
[19:42:51] i have a question
[19:42:54] yes
[19:42:56] any dota ip?
[19:42:59] 11111
[19:43:00] 1111
[19:43:00] and wat hapnd to the guy ?
[19:43:03] u know today wat happened in vk ready today?
[19:43:07] <1one> :-p:biggrin:
[19:43:15] accident hua koi
[19:43:15] no
[19:43:17] everybody here is talkin about some suicide since 5 o clock
[19:43:18] wat happened?
[19:43:19] dont know much
[19:43:19] yes..i ordered a shikanji in vk redi
[19:43:21] hua kya hai
[19:43:23] abhi abhi aaya be
[19:43:25] 11
[19:43:26] me tooooo
[19:43:27] nt my sidee
[19:43:43] poison wat happened to ur sidee?
[19:43:45] vk redi rox
[19:43:48] suicide case koi aur hoga phir
[19:43:54] poison fucked him
[19:43:55] u mean munna redi
[19:43:56] razor sux
[19:43:57] naa,//
[19:44:01] m2l2
[19:44:09] chut razor had sex wid a dog
[19:44:14] haan
[19:44:15] can sumbody give d suicide details in 1 line?
[19:44:15] ahahaha mn1
[19:44:16] tera vid
[19:44:17] razor u know bout any suicide attempt >
[19:44:18] and ajunior razor came out
[19:44:19] hi tha wo
[19:44:26] 11
[19:44:27] w8 i will mc razors sex wid dog
[19:44:29] tu hi to hai wo
[19:44:30] kaunsa vid??
[19:44:30] *** An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[19:45:05] *** Connecting to
[19:45:05] *** Connected
[19:45:05] <-YnHub-> YnHub version: 1.033 produced by Yoshi and Nev.
[19:45:05] <-YnHub-> Welcome to -------> INVINCIBLE <------- * The minimum sharing limit of the hub right now is 5gb and the min slots requred are 2......but every1 is expected to share the max they can. * Sharing of adult content is not allowed * For optimum performance every1 shuld hav their connection type in setting as direct connection and connection speed 100 mbps * Tip : Keeping on your dc's for longer time will allow ppl to get alternatives for the files they are downloading.......this will reduce the amount of load on ur dc client * WoW : All the characters information of those players who have played on FL@SH's server have been lost....... srry for the inconvinience [19:45:05] <-YnHub-> The nickname you've supplied is already in use by another user, please change it and reconnect
[19:45:05] *** Connection closed
[19:45:35] *** Connecting to
[19:45:35] *** Connected
[19:45:35] <-YnHub-> YnHub version: 1.033 produced by Yoshi and Nev.
[19:45:35] <-YnHub-> Welcome to -------> INVINCIBLE <------- * The minimum sharing limit of the hub right now is 5gb and the min slots requred are 2......but every1 is expected to share the max they can. * Sharing of adult content is not allowed * For optimum performance every1 shuld hav their connection type in setting as direct connection and connection speed 100 mbps * Tip : Keeping on your dc's for longer time will allow ppl to get alternatives for the files they are downloading.......this will reduce the amount of load on ur dc client * WoW : All the characters information of those players who have played on FL@SH's server have been lost....... srry for the inconvinience [19:45:35] <-YnHub->
[19:45:37] 11
[19:45:37] 11
[19:45:38] wat was in the vid
[19:45:41] i didnt download
[19:45:42] razor pro in havin sex wid dogs also
[19:45:44] dog fucking
[19:45:48] another dog
[19:45:50] hahahah
[19:45:54] chutiye poison
[19:45:55] hahah
[19:45:58] i have mced dont miss
[19:46:05] chusanu le
[19:46:06] dog ko dekhj ke hi hilate reh
[19:46:07] lanja
[19:46:09] 11
[19:46:22] can u all mc "how many ready for dota?"
[19:46:24] bored of human porbn re
[19:46:26] i dont have smart ip
[19:46:42] a
[19:46:50] asdas
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