This is a director( of a movie) perspective of a wing. Our hostels are divided into wings. Each wing consists of 12 people, generally(including aliens :p). We all know that no two people are exactly same...or at least their tastes aren't. I'm gonna narrow this to 6 rooms. Imagine yourself standing outside...room no. 119. As you pass the room you can hear low volume - hard metal, what a combo.
Suddenly, the sound of metal hitting metal/rock( rallu kottukune shabdam) starts dominating the low volume hard metal. With the occasional shots of "MONSTER KILL" , "OWNING" , "GODLIKE" , you should be able to realize that you are outside room 120. Then there is 121. All that you can hear would be the best songs/movies/some sitcom in English or Hindi(occasionally Telugu) in a very high volume. What you might not hear is the person, singing along or see his head banging. If it is silent out there, he might be playing a game/ watching "you-know-what"/ just sleeping.

As you pass by, the domain of sounds narrows down, you might hear RHCP or EMINEM or Mass Telugu songs. If you don't hear those from 122, you should be able to understand that he is playing CRICKET07. As you approach the end of the wing, you might hear new Hindi music or dialogues from any sitcom outside 123. And about 124...you will hear hear all the classic Telugu songs or Bryan Adams- Summer of 69 repeated over and over again. Some of the songs are as old as 30 years/ even more! And in a high volume, they definitely blow away the mind of his sidey. :D
So, this is about our half wing. Hope you enjoyed the description.
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